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Have you ever been to the North Pole? Cu yet vrem s aflm dac aciunea s-a terminat sau nu: Have you got up yet?

Already poate s apar n propoziii afirmative: The student has already translated the lesson. Since arat momentul, punctul, cnd ncepe aciunea care se extinde pn n prezent. For exprim perioada de timp care continu pn n prezent. Not Go i be sunt diferite ca sens: Tony has gone to York.

Forme contrase: I have Ive; he has hes; I have not havent; he has not hasnt De reinut!

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Unele verbe nu pot fi folosite la timpurile continue. I have known Jim for five years. She has loved you since that day.

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Utilizare Prezentul perfect continuu se folosete: 1. Comparai urmtoarele propoziii: I have been drinking tea since 5 oclock. I live in this city all my life.

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We see the famous Heroes Monument several times so far.

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Martin teach English from three oclock to six oclock. Hes no longer in the school. He leave half an hour ago. We have a test almost every day this week. We have the first test on Monday morning. The weather be terrible ever since last wart treatment chemist href="http://vacante-insorite.ro/6213-vector-transmis-de-parazii.php">Vector transmis de paraziți. It rain every day this week!

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The plumber be here for the past two weeks. He repair the radiators in all the rooms. We learn a great deal of English wart treatment chemist hpv impfung meduni wien we come to this school. Our grandmother be with us for the last three months. Wart treatment chemist go away this morning.

Mother help her with her packing before she left. I read many books on cooking and now I can cook a lot of dishes. Grant have a car for years but he never drive at night.

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Yes, we meet at the school festival two weeks ago. Barton is not here. He go out of town for the weekend. This famous writer write several novels and last year he write a successful play.

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The guests have a good time ever since their 33 arrival. They arrive by plane three days ago. The students start the exercise at 8 oclock. They not finish it yet. I take a lot of photographs this holiday but they are not as good as those I take last holiday. Margaret buy wart treatment chemist pretty dress for her birthday party. She buy it at wart treatment chemist Unirea department store. My friend Michael is in hospital because he break his leg: he break it two weeks ago in a car accident.

Im sorry, I forget his telephone number. I read nearly all Ivasiucs novels. Last week I start to read The Water and I nearly finish it now.